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    Artists in Conversation with Art Critic

    Manu Parekh and Madhvi Parekh


    Kishore Singh

    on 14th Oct 2017

    6.30 pm

    Galleries of Punjab Lalit Kala Akademi

    Punjab Kala Bhawan

    Sector 16 B, Chandigarh

    during the ongoing exhibition

    India Modern

    Narratives from 20th Century Indian Art

    presented by

    Punjab Lalit Kala Akadeni

    in collaboration with DAG Modern

    Diwan Manna

    President, Punjab Lalit Kala Akademi


    Exhibition dates extended to 15th Oct 2017



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    Punjab Lalit Kala Akademi

    In collaboration with DAG Modern

    Cordially invites you to


    Films Screening and conversation thereafter

    A Far Afternoon on artist Krishen Khanna

    Director: Sruti Harihara Subramanian

    Production: Piramal Art Foundation

    at 11.30 am


    and Progressive Artists Group

    Director K Bikram Singh

    Production:  NGMA

    at 5.30 pm

    28th Sept 2017  at Punjab Lalit Kala Akademi Art Gallery

    Punjab Kala Bhawan, Sector 16 B, Chandigarh


    Diwan Manna, President PLKA


  • Wed


    Punjab Lalit Kala Akademi

    In collaboration with DAG Modern

    Cordially invites you to


    A Tactile Experience - ABHAS

    an art appreciation walk and education program

    with the help of specially designed Braille tactile artworks

    for blind and special needs visitors


    by  Siddhant Shah

    an Accessibility & Education Consultant

    and Supriya Consul

    Indian Modern Art consultant


    Among artworks displayed in the exhibition

    India Modern

    Narratives from 20th Century Indian Art


    at 11.00 am on Wednesday 27 Sept 2017

    at Punjab Lalit Kala Akademi Art Gallery

    Punjab Kala Bhawan

    Sector 16 B, Chandigarh


    Diwan Manna


    Punjab Lalit Kala Akademi





    What is ABHAS?

    Siddhant Shah is an Accessibility & Education Consultant for DAG Modern and has designed India’s first art appreciation and education program for blind and special needs visitors, called ABHAS – a Tactile Art Experience.

    The aim is to open the interpretation of DAG Modern’s art collection to a wider audience including the visually impaired, blindness and mental disabilities. This project opens up new understandings for everyone visiting this exhibition, with the help of specially designed Braille tactile artworks, Open Braille books and curated art wall.Works of artists like SohanQadri, Eric Bowen, Jeram Patel, Jamini Roy along with other artists have been recreated in a tactile format to touch and feel for this exhibition at PLKA.

    Till date ABHAS has made art accessible to more than 450 students with blindness and visual impairment across the country. This walk will be conducted by Siddhant Shah and Supriya Consul from DAG Modern at Punjab Lalit Kala Akademi Sector 16 on 26-27 Sep 2017 from 11 am – 3 pm. Each walk will be of 80/90 min.

    What are these Tactile Art Works?

    They are either Tactile Repros or Tactile Aids relating to the corresponding art-work which the audiences can touch and feel to get a sense of the art-work. These tactile aids give an idea about the surface development of the artwork with use of varied media whereas the tactile reproductions are tangible replicas of the artwork showcasing the object itself. Tactile repros are the imitations of the corresponding art-works in different materials allowing the audiences to touch and feel, in order to get a sense of the art-work.

    Why are they like that or anything particular about their sizes?

    The size and the proportion of the tactile surfaces, mainly the reproductions are kept very much  same as the original size of the art-work so that they can have an idea of the varying sizes while touching them and to make them understand that not all art works need to be of the same size.

    What is in the Open Braille book?

    The Open Braille book has writing that describes the various methods of creating artworks using various materials and mediums. The text ends with a brief description of the artworks and the artists, selected for the tactile experience.

    Shah conducting ABHAS – a tactile art walk with student from National Association for the Blind at DAG Modern

    Who is Siddhant Shah?

    Siddhant Shah is a National Award winner,disability access and education consultant for museums, historical sites, events and art galleries and founder of Access For ALL (www.accessforall.co ). His area of focus is to use interpretative design and innovation in order to bridge the gap between the differently able and the cultural heritage resources. He consults and develops CSR projects, Disable friendly prototypes, Management Strategy Plans, access audits, exhibitions, architectural and heritage based designs for foundations, museums and cultural organizations. He is currently the Access Consultant to the Maharaja Sawai Man Singh II Museum at the Royal City Palace, Jaipur. To know more please feel free to write to :[email protected] or call on 9920765777


    Along with Supriya Consul, Siddhant Shah will be conducting the ABHAS – a Tactile Art Experience and curated art walks at Punjab Lalit Kala Akademi on 26-27 Sep, 2017. These walks are open for all visitors. We would like to invite parents and schools with special needs individuals (Visual Impairment, Mental Disabilities and other) to come and be part of ABHAS – a Tactile Art Experience.

    Each walk will be of 80/90 min.

    Time: 11:00 – 3:00 pm

    Photographs of the Workshop:

    Students from Institute for Blind

    Sector 26, Chandigarh participated in the workshop